Poweroffice WooCOmmerce

Automatic transfer of orders from the online store - to PowerOffice

We help you connect WooCommerce and PowerOffice so that your data is automatically transferred to the accounting system. This saves you a lot of time and labour!

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This is how the workflow between WooCommerce and PowerOffice

What order status should online orders have in WooCommerce in order to be transferred to PowerOffice? What is the workflow between WooCommerce and PowerOffice?

Pending - Waiting for the payment to go through.
On hold - Order has been received and not yet processed.
Processor/Processing - Order is received locally and delivery is delegated to department.
Fullført/Completed - Completed order, invoice sent.
Failed - Means that the order has not been completed.
Kansellert/Canceled - Order has been cancelled.
Refunded - An order is refunded.

Depending on how you use PowerOffice, it usually is:
- Handlers 
- Completed 

2. Do you want to write the WooCommerce web order number to the PowerOffice comment field?

This is normal to include, because the order number from WooCommerce will then be written in the reference field automatically.

3. Do you want to create the invoice from the order transferred in PowerOffice?

This is important if you want to handle invoices from PowerOffice manually. This is not usually done for B2C sales.

4. If you want to create the invoice from the order transferred in PowerOffice, select the invoice date field with info.

This is only relevant if you selected yes to #3.

Here you have two choices:
Orders are created as invoices when they are created in WooCommerce with status: Handlers.
Or it can be created when the order is finalised with status: Completed.

5. Do you want to register the payment details for the invoices transferred in PowerOffice?

Here it would be smart to say yes if all payments are prepayments, i.e. Vipps, Nets, Cards etc.

6. Which default payment type should be labelled for the invoices created in PowerOffice?

Here you have two choices:
Paid to bank: electronic payment (Vipp, Nets, Card etc.)
Cash in store: if all sales are click and collect or cash at checkout.
The most common is to choose Paid to bank.

7. Which product number in PowerOffice do you want to use for shipping costs?

If the online store wants the customer to pay for shipping, you should have a product in the PowerOffice which applies to shipping costs. This can have a variable price.

8. Which text description in PowerOffice do you want to use for shipping costs?

Here you can enter a fixed text.

9. Which product number in PowerOffice will you use for discount costs?

Here you can enter a fixed product number.

10. Which text description in PowerOffice will you use for discount costs?

Here you can enter a fixed text.

11. Which prefix do you want to set for the order number in PowerOffice?

Here you will often write, for example: "shop_" which will then appear in front of all order numbers.

12. Do you want to transfer WooCommerce discount tax to PowerOffice?

Here you choose YES in almost all cases.

13. Do you want to transfer WooCommerce companies to PowerOffice as a private customer?

If you only sell to private customers, you say yes. Otherwise, you choose no.

PowerOffice integration costs SEK 16,800 in one-off costs:
- Integration setup
- Test of synchronisation
- One hour course in use

In addition, the integration will cost DKK 849/month.